Nicholas Dada

Nicholas Dada is the Geophysical Manager for Mabon Limited’s operations in Africa. Nicholas has vast years of relevant experience in Nigeria including 21 years with Nigerian Agip Oil Company, retiring as Chief Geophysicist in 1992 and was the pioneer Exploration Manager of NorEast Petroleum. A rich source of information and contacts, Nicholas is the driving force behind Mabon Limited’s Oil & Gas business in the Gulf of Guinea. He has a BSc in Physics (1971) from the University of Ibadan.


Derek Skoyles

Derek Skoyles acts as a consultant to Mabon Limited handling all the Geosciences affairs outside of Nigeria. A well respected figure in the oil business, Derek was President of Spectrum Energy in the USA for 20 years and has a strong background in seismic processing, non-exclusive surveys and business development. He gained a BSc in Physics from Bath University.


Mr. Anthony Nzenwata, HND, AMNIM, FCA Head, Finance & Account

A very experienced Chartered Accountant with over twenty-five years on the job credit. Before qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, he completed his course work and examinations of the Society of Company & Commercial Accountants of England & Wales. His professional experience cuts across various industries, including Auditing & Investigation, Petroleum and Income Tax Practice. Member of other Professional Bodies and Social Associations. He has worked with the Mabon Group in various capacities for over twenty-two years.
