Surveys Offshore Nigeria Mabon Limited, in conjunction with its technical partner, has carried out full interpretation studies of the Niger Delta. These studies have been carried out utilizing the extensive Mabon seismic databaseand updated to include well information where available.
Mabon Limited
Blocks Specific Reports
- Individual prospectivity reports for blocks 214, 227, 242, 243, 244, 245, 249, 250, 257, 313, 314, 315, 318, 320 and 471
- Includes structure maps and prospect summary maps
Regional Overview Report
- Fully illustrated synopsis of the petroleum potential deepwater Nigeria
- Sections on regional geological setting, review of recent discoveries, play concepts and prospectivity of deepwater blocks
Prospectivity of the Nigeria-Sao Tome & Principe JDZ
Mabon Limited has recently concluded a non-exclusive report on the geology and prospectivity of the JDZ based on the Mabon seismic data acquired within the region.
The report includes:
- Fully illustrated discussion of the petroleum geology and prospectivity
- Recognition of play types, prospect identification and volumetrics
- Regional geology of the deepwater Niger Delta, based on our extensive regional knowledge base
- Overview of recent industry activity and discoveries
- Enclosure volume including prospect summary maps and time structure maps of key horizons
- GIS ArcView database available